Myspace, OUT!!!!!!
5:16 PM / Comments (1) / by syafique
reason :
1 ) i figured i am too old for myspace, and my perspective of making new friends is no longer the same as before....
2 ) He had moved on...and i should too...( no details needed, i supposed )
3 ) most of the peoples are offense to anyone..
4 ) there are to many people in my friends list which i cant even remember who are, whats the point?
5) me myself, is not being honest..( ashamed of that, seriously )
6) myspace dont excite me anymore...
7) making friends ( networking especially ) is so not my thing anymore..zmn bdak2 dulu boleh r..
enough reason i guess..
so, OUT!!!
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what will happen for the next 4 months?
5:10 PM / Comments (2) / by syafique
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Housemate night out
3:31 PM / Comments (2) / by syafique
every single person dlm rumah ni jadi gler sbb pulun study strategic management
lgi jadi gler biler dpt jer paper semua tak cukup masa nak wat..
soalan senang but the lecturer tu suruh salin balik semua soalan..
" every single word"
what the f**k!!!!
last night.......
Syerhan : jom g tgk wayang
me: nak g ke? penatlah..aku dh lah tak tdo2 lg ni..2 jam je kot tdo
Syerhan : ala..jom r..kau tak yah wat pe..aku drive..kau duk je diam2...
me : herm..nk tgk cter pe? sape lg g?
syerhan : coming soon..

me: ha? coming soon!!!..cter pe tu....nak tgk kat mn?dah kul bp dah ni..sempat ke..
syerhan : tgk kat o.u..sempat kot, ader kul 12 nyer..
and i decide to go even though i am fucking tired sbb x ckp tdo...
setibanye di O.U
trus g kat kounter...
Syerhan : abg..coming soon.kul 12..5 org ( me, nelly, syerhan, apis n kecik )
abg kounter : ok2..tinggal seat paling depan...
evryone of us : ha? nak ke tak nak? suka ati lah..aku ikot je...tak nak lah ikot2..nak ke tak nak ni?bla..bla...bla...
me: herm..tak yah..leh next time kita tgk..
syerhan : ( pasrah )..ok lah..
so..after wasting about 1 hour from btg berjuntai to One Utama
we decided to go somewhere else
tak nak balik dulu..konon2 nak release tension lah ( baru satu paper je kot !! )..haha
setelah kereta dipandu selama 30 minutes tanpa arah tuju..
me : jom k karaoke!!!
evryone : JOM!!!( sambil apis menjerit kegembiraan tahap berdesing telinga barang siapa yg mendengar jeritan itu..because at last ader jgak benda nak buat )...
karaoke time!!!.....
no pic taken during the karaoke because no 10.0 megapixels is available
yg ader pun camera phone 3 megapixels..ado..
berangan lah nak amik gambar sgale..
the list of song that we sang...
1. aerosmith, i dont want miss a thing ( sang by that song )
2. marc anthony, my baby you..( lagu wajib karaoke)..
paling tak boleh bla Syerhan nyanyi lagu Nico dulu2..
siap raping lagi..pitam***
after the karaoke..
not ready to balik home yet..
lepak kat NZ Garden
minum2..makan2..cuci mata ( everyone have their own " nice view" type )..
i have mine..right in front me..kan an?
here are some of the pic taken..:)
around 4a.m = balik....tdo..zzzzzz
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tribute to ammar hakimi and his beloved friend
9:06 PM / Comments (0) / by syafique

crying badly...
i wonder what happened..
nervous jugak at first...
ingatkan anything happen kat dia...
but it turns out that one of his close fren past
he told me that masa tu dia tgh main football kat skolah
suddenly his fren ni jatuh and buih2 putih started to come out from his mouth
he was very panicked and trus panggil cikgu dia..
but it was too late
that poor boy died sadly there..
rupenye2 dak ni kene one virus ni when he went to swimming with his family kat public pool putrajaya..
this virus is transmitted through water..
he told me the name of the virus
tapi, lupa plak ape namanye
when he called me tadi dia baru balik dr kubur
watching his good friend go to the place that someday, all of us WILL go..
so, i told him to be strong..semua ni takdir..
tapi tak lah cakap mcm tu kat dia
he is just a kid..
not knowing everything that happened around him..
so..i told him..
" tuhan sygkan dia..thats y god take him"
and he asked me 1 question..
" abis tu..tuhan tak syg kimi lah"..
i was about to laugh at first..
but then
rasa sedih pun ade..
after about 20 minutes talking to him barulah dia ok AMMAR..
i know that u were not be able to read this..
but..if someday
when u will be able to read this entry
remember that i love u so much
and i am so greatful that u are my little brother..
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8:20 PM / Comments (1) / by syafique
here the new page of my life..
the new piece of my thought...
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