petang td ammar called
crying badly...
i wonder what happened..
nervous jugak at first...
ingatkan anything happen kat dia...
but it turns out that one of his close fren past away..al-fatihah
he told me that masa tu dia tgh main football kat skolah
suddenly his fren ni jatuh and buih2 putih started to come out from his mouth
he was very panicked and trus panggil cikgu dia..
but it was too late
that poor boy died sadly there..
rupenye2 dak ni kene one virus ni when he went to swimming with his family kat public pool putrajaya..
this virus is transmitted through water..
he told me the name of the virus
tapi, lupa plak ape namanye
when he called me tadi dia baru balik dr kubur
watching his good friend go to the place that someday, all of us WILL go..
so, i told him to be strong..semua ni takdir..
tapi tak lah cakap mcm tu kat dia
he is just a kid..
not knowing everything that happened around him..
so..i told him..
" tuhan sygkan dia..thats y god take him"
and he asked me 1 question..
" abis tu..tuhan tak syg kimi lah"..
i was about to laugh at first..
but then
rasa sedih pun ade..
after about 20 minutes talking to him barulah dia ok

so..to AMMAR..
i know that u were not be able to read this..
but..if someday
when u will be able to read this entry
remember that i love u so much
and i am so greatful that u are my little brother..
crying badly...
i wonder what happened..
nervous jugak at first...
ingatkan anything happen kat dia...
but it turns out that one of his close fren past away..al-fatihah
he told me that masa tu dia tgh main football kat skolah
suddenly his fren ni jatuh and buih2 putih started to come out from his mouth
he was very panicked and trus panggil cikgu dia..
but it was too late
that poor boy died sadly there..
rupenye2 dak ni kene one virus ni when he went to swimming with his family kat public pool putrajaya..
this virus is transmitted through water..
he told me the name of the virus
tapi, lupa plak ape namanye
when he called me tadi dia baru balik dr kubur
watching his good friend go to the place that someday, all of us WILL go..
so, i told him to be strong..semua ni takdir..
tapi tak lah cakap mcm tu kat dia
he is just a kid..
not knowing everything that happened around him..
so..i told him..
" tuhan sygkan dia..thats y god take him"
and he asked me 1 question..
" abis tu..tuhan tak syg kimi lah"..
i was about to laugh at first..
but then
rasa sedih pun ade..
after about 20 minutes talking to him barulah dia ok

so..to AMMAR..
i know that u were not be able to read this..
but..if someday
when u will be able to read this entry
remember that i love u so much
and i am so greatful that u are my little brother..