My Final Post
10:21 PM / Comments (0) / by syafique
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Bursa Malaysia Rat Race 2009
10:40 AM / Comments (0) / by syafique
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its been a while.....
3:13 PM / Comments (0) / by syafique
ok..lets put them into a simple life chronology..
Working life:
Working life is not the same as i imagined it will be before. It is tiring, demanding and before u know it, it sucks all your joy and self - pampering attitude out of your life!!..But, at the other side of the page that full with all the wining and unsatisfied feeling written in a very sarcastic and harsh words..there lies a page with a beautiful yet subtle feeling written in a very straight and clear words of having the new phase of your life..the future is now become clear then before..and when it does, all the past starting to make their sense.. How beautiful God puts all the little pieces here and there and when the time comes, all the pieces suits perfectly well together...Alhamdulilah..hey guys!! i already got a spot in Security Commissions Management Trainee programme..yeay!! But im trying to find my way in here in Bursa Malaysia..wish me luck!!
Kisah Cintan?
Its complicated and never will be fully understand..hish..why it is so hard for me??how i wish i could be either one of the character in any fairytale stories that your mom told you when you were child..and the final part is the best ...." the happily live ever after "..but ....( herm.. i better leave the sentence with ' but ' and not continue it..otherwise this entre will be a long sad yet intriguing story of love life that u guys will never understand the point kan? haha ).
Social Life.
Well, when u start working, u cant have all the excitement and joy u had when you were a student. it is a fact. u have to choose either one.. (Social life > Habis duit.. working life> buat duit ) cant have them both. You may have them both. but trust me, either one of it will soon be doom.hahahha....but what ever it is, if u have a good calculation of life and put a very well proportion of commitment into both of will not be a problem.
i have just to put this picture in..such a cute pic we took last nite using fikeri MacBook at the Pavilion..
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Kerusi Bernilai Tinggi
11:37 PM / Comments (3) / by syafique
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She made me think....
5:32 PM / Comments (1) / by syafique
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Satu Kisah
9:55 PM / Comments (0) / by syafique
SMS diterima di awal hening pagi ketika umat manusia yang lain sedang enak dibuai mimpi. Embun-embun suci sedang enak berehat di daun yang hijau dan ayam-ayam jantan belum bersedia untuk berkokok sebab time tu diorg ngah baik punya lepak membincangkan hal ehwal ayam dan gosip2 binatang lain..( perumpaan ini tiada kene mengena pun dengan kisah yang akan diceritakan dlm entri ni )….
Kisah bermula
SMS diberi oleh seorang teman karib yang bernama Linie ( Nama Sebenar )..
“ nok..aku nervous..ade pre-test driving kul 7.30 jap lagi..”
Sebagai seorg teman karib yang baik,setia, amanah, jujur lagi berdedikasi..aku pun membalas msg beliau walaupun ketika itu aku baru sejam melelapkan mata di sbb
Sambung balik
Aku pun mereply msg beliau…
“ ye ke..chaiyo2..jgn nervous2..bace bismillah byk2..u can do it bebeh ”
Setelah sms direply aku menyambung kembali aktiviti tdur yang terganggu itu. Dengan harapan mendapat tido yang nyenyak dgn mimpi-mimpi yang indah lagi bahagia..
Namun..semua itu suatu harapan…
JENG JENG JENG ( suasana suspen diserapkan supaya memberi efek yang lebih jitu kepada penceritaan entri ini )
Tapi..takde ape2 pun sebenanrnya ( mesti korang benggang kan..rasa nak baling je HP korang kat aku kan..kalau brani baling lah!!!..)
Sudah2..cerita disambung…
Teman yang serupa mengSMS aku lagi..
“ NOK…NOK…aku nyaris melanggar 3 ketul motor, 4 biji kereta dan sekumpulan makcik dan pakcik dan tidak ketinggalan belia2 di kedai makan tadi..”
Aku tersentak..lalu dengan sepantas kilatnya aku mereply msg beliau untuk mengetahui adakah benar apa yg dikhabarkan oleh beliau itu….
“ cmne leh jadi mcm tu..apa yang membuatkan kau tegar dlm percubaan membunuh mereka yang tak berdosa itu” balas aku.
Beliau mereply ( 2 sms ku gabungkan )
“ kisah dia camni...aku bwk kete td..dengan penuh hemat dan tatasusila..namun, selepas memerhatikan byk kereta beratur dibelakang aku di jalan yang kecik itu seperti itik pulang petang..aku pun mengambil langkah drastik untuk memecut kereta selaju 80 km/j lalu dengan tak semena-mena aku terbabas lalu nyaris melanggar mereka...seteru itu, aku ditertawakan oleh manusia2 durjana itu bagaikan aku membuat lawak spastic didepan mereka..”
Aku tertawa kesorangan didalam bilik bila membaca msg itu..lalu aku membalas…
“ kau sedar tak kau takde lesen and masa tu kau tgh wat pre-test driving..apakah yang bermain difikiran mu sehingga kamu tegar memecut walaupun sudah diketahui tahap memandu mu itu tidak sehebat mana ”
10 minit berlalu..msg tidak dibalas..
Kesimpulan…sentap lah tu..haha
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12:28 AM / Comments (1) / by syafique

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