Have u ever feel that you have tried too much and at one particular moment you just stop trying and don’t even care what will be the consequence?. ….Have you ever feel that you wanna give up and the hope is slowly fading away from your life?..... Have you ever feel that you really want to be love but when you did find it, wish you haven’t? and have you ever feel that you are about to fall and there is no one to hold on?....it wasn’t too long ago when I did feel all those things in my life..all the self blaming ambiance were self fulfilling. All the stupid question start to make me felt even worse. How can I be such a stupid person? How the hell in the world that this silly fucking feeling can be inside my heart at the first place?..why would in the world that I met this fucking person given that there is so many other person worth to be falling into?...why is it the heart keep giving me the feeling that I wanna feel and the mind keep telling me the things that I wanna think while the truth is always the opposite one… sometimes, its good to have all this things along the way in your life…even though this ‘things’ sucks...it makes you preserved the more you, it makes you look the life in different perspective compared to others….. sometimes, by keep asking yourself the questions that nobody wont ask makes you look the truth in reality and the fictitious in your own self made story…and sometimes, by learning to live alone you learn to live your life with an adequate feeling that just enough for you to move on…The past will never be forgetten..the present will never be well understand..and the future will always be a question..so, you have to do whatever it takes you to do..as long as it doesn’t hurt you and the one around you..and you don’t have to actually understand others feeling when your feeling does matter the most. Start thinking about yourself before thinking about others..and for what its worth, its better for you to love the one who love you, then to love someone you love…
Makan - Trip Pulau Pinang Jan 2025 @ Deens Maju
Salam semua. Hi, hari ni nak kongsi hal makan-makan sepanjang 2D1N
staycation di Pulau Pinang. Sebenarnya, circle kawan ni ada ramai, cuma
akhir-akhir ni, ...
4 weeks ago