Kerusi Bernilai Tinggi
11:37 PM / Comments (3) / by syafique
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She made me think....
5:32 PM / Comments (1) / by syafique
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Satu Kisah
9:55 PM / Comments (0) / by syafique
SMS diterima di awal hening pagi ketika umat manusia yang lain sedang enak dibuai mimpi. Embun-embun suci sedang enak berehat di daun yang hijau dan ayam-ayam jantan belum bersedia untuk berkokok sebab time tu diorg ngah baik punya lepak membincangkan hal ehwal ayam dan gosip2 binatang lain..( perumpaan ini tiada kene mengena pun dengan kisah yang akan diceritakan dlm entri ni )….
Kisah bermula
SMS diberi oleh seorang teman karib yang bernama Linie ( Nama Sebenar )..
“ nok..aku nervous..ade pre-test driving kul 7.30 jap lagi..”
Sebagai seorg teman karib yang baik,setia, amanah, jujur lagi berdedikasi..aku pun membalas msg beliau walaupun ketika itu aku baru sejam melelapkan mata di sbb
Sambung balik
Aku pun mereply msg beliau…
“ ye ke..chaiyo2..jgn nervous2..bace bismillah byk2..u can do it bebeh ”
Setelah sms direply aku menyambung kembali aktiviti tdur yang terganggu itu. Dengan harapan mendapat tido yang nyenyak dgn mimpi-mimpi yang indah lagi bahagia..
Namun..semua itu suatu harapan…
JENG JENG JENG ( suasana suspen diserapkan supaya memberi efek yang lebih jitu kepada penceritaan entri ini )
Tapi..takde ape2 pun sebenanrnya ( mesti korang benggang kan..rasa nak baling je HP korang kat aku kan..kalau brani baling lah!!!..)
Sudah2..cerita disambung…
Teman yang serupa mengSMS aku lagi..
“ NOK…NOK…aku nyaris melanggar 3 ketul motor, 4 biji kereta dan sekumpulan makcik dan pakcik dan tidak ketinggalan belia2 di kedai makan tadi..”
Aku tersentak..lalu dengan sepantas kilatnya aku mereply msg beliau untuk mengetahui adakah benar apa yg dikhabarkan oleh beliau itu….
“ cmne leh jadi mcm tu..apa yang membuatkan kau tegar dlm percubaan membunuh mereka yang tak berdosa itu” balas aku.
Beliau mereply ( 2 sms ku gabungkan )
“ kisah dia camni...aku bwk kete td..dengan penuh hemat dan tatasusila..namun, selepas memerhatikan byk kereta beratur dibelakang aku di jalan yang kecik itu seperti itik pulang petang..aku pun mengambil langkah drastik untuk memecut kereta selaju 80 km/j lalu dengan tak semena-mena aku terbabas lalu nyaris melanggar mereka...seteru itu, aku ditertawakan oleh manusia2 durjana itu bagaikan aku membuat lawak spastic didepan mereka..”
Aku tertawa kesorangan didalam bilik bila membaca msg itu..lalu aku membalas…
“ kau sedar tak kau takde lesen and masa tu kau tgh wat pre-test driving..apakah yang bermain difikiran mu sehingga kamu tegar memecut walaupun sudah diketahui tahap memandu mu itu tidak sehebat mana ”
10 minit berlalu..msg tidak dibalas..
Kesimpulan…sentap lah tu..haha
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12:28 AM / Comments (1) / by syafique

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A week after
7:06 PM / Comments (1) / by syafique
after the swimming session has ended..and before masing2 balik ke rumah msg2 which is jauh gler dr umah zul di selayang tu..we decided to take a pic memandangkan there is a great colour of wall in his house..hiks..again..thanx to zul..
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100 Truths
11:33 PM / Comments (1) / by syafique
2. Last phone call → xoxo
3. Last text message → xoxo
4. Last song you listened to →up - the saturdays
5. Last time you cried → 2 hours ago...
1. Dated someone twice → twice? ive done it like four times..
2. Been cheated on? → sure..who doesnt?
3. Cheated someone else? → sure...
4. Lost someone special? → yeah..
5. Been depressed? → sometimes with no reason..gler kot aku ni..
6. Been drunk and threw up? → never
1. Made new friends → yeaa
2. Fallen out of love →its like my nature..haha
3. Laughed until you cried → yeaaa
4. Met someone who changed you → havent yet...and still waiting
5. Found out who your true friends were → yes..
6. Found out someone was talking about you → yeah..luckily it was a good thing..kalau tak..nahas!!!
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → baru tadi..its a goodbye kiss..sedih..
8. How many people on your friend's list do you know in real life →entah..tak kira plak
9. How many kids do you want to have → semua rezeki ALLAH
10. Do you have any pets →none..
11. Do you want to change your name → yes..can i change it to SYAFIQUE RADLAN..bleh kan?
12. What did you do for your last birthday → party di rumah MAIMON KIMAK...
13. What time did you wake up today → 1200pm
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → was a blast!!
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → Kumpul HARTA
16. Last time you saw your father → like 2 years ago..seriously..
17. One thing you wish you could change about your life→ i dont want to change anything..i love it as it is...
18. What are you listening to right now →Im yours - jason mraz
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom →TOM..nope..
20. What's getting on your nerves right now? →starting my internship
21. Most visited webpages →facebook and blogspot,
1. What's your name → Mohd Syafiq Mohd Azli
2. Nicknames → sya..fiqa..kak sya..FIQ...
4. Zodiac sign → scorpio
5. Male or female or transgendered → MALe
6. Elementary → sk ayer molek bukit bandaraya Bangsar..
7. Middle School – smk bukit bandaraya Bangsar..smk cheras perdana
8. High school → Florida high school..takot tak??haha
10. Hair color → black
11. Long or short → short
16. Height → 174cm.
17. Do you have a crush on someone? →yes
18: What do you like about yourself? – nothing
19. Piercings →takder..dosa kot..
20. Tattoos →nooooooo
21. Righty or lefty → righty
22. First surgery → stomach ulser
23. First piercing → nope
24. First best friends → lupe..haha
26. First sport you joined → 100 m..johan OK
27. First pet → hamster
28. First vacation and when→lupelah...
29. First concert → Siti Nurhaliza in Concert ..30 october..tahun lpe..
30. First crush → can recall
49. Eating → none
50. Drinking → air sejuk
52. I'm about to →shower
53. Listening to → none
55. Waiting for → First Honeymoon
58. Want kids? → sure..sape nak jaga tua2 nanti..kau?haha
59. Want to get married? → insyaAllah..
60. Careers in mind? → CEO _______________ ( tak tau ape )
68. Lips or eyes →eyes of course..
69. Hugs or kisses → hugs seems right
70. Shorter or taller → taller
71. Older or Younger → dont care
72. Romantic or spontaneous → mix of both
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → mix of both..terbaik..haha
74. Sensitive or loud →none
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
76. Trouble maker or hesitant→hesitant
78. Kissed a stranger → what for??
79. Drank hard liquor → again..dosa..
80. Lost glasses/contacts → my glasses penah kene pijak smpai berkecai..
81. Sex on first date → nope and never
82. Broken someone's heart →yes
83. Had your own heart broken → pernah..bongok punyer org
86. Turned someone down → heheh..yes
87. Cried when someone died → for sure..takkan nak gelak kot
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? →......
89. Yourself → 80%
90. Miracles → yes
91. Love at first sight → yes
92. Heaven → yes
93. Santa Clause → no
95. Kissing on the first date? → yes
96. Angels → yes
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → YES..
98. Who is it? – someone lah..maneleh bgtau..rahsia
99. Had boyfriend/girlfriend for a day? → nope
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? →yea yea yea
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Everything happens for a reason
5:20 PM / Comments (3) / by syafique
2006 : officially a dropped out student from UKM ( just before i got into my final year..stupid!!)
at this particular point, my world tumbling upside down..never thought my life will be this way...time ni rasa mcm nak lari g so embarrassing for me to face all those people around me...tapi ape nak wat..benda dah, i stop thinking about the past and start thinking about the future..i took a few months staying at home..just a way for me to figured out a things or two of what exactly i want to do in my life...( of course with the help of my beloved family and friends )...
after doing all the thinking..i planned to continue my study
Julai 2006 : enrolled in Universiti Industri Selangor
Taking Bachelor of Industrial first i was a bit skeptical about the name of this course..Industrial Management? what the fish kan...nanti kerja kilang ke a matter of fact..when people asked me the name of my degree..and i answered Industrial Management..then, the reaction will be like this.." degree ape tu?"."ha? industrial management? ohh..kerja kilang lah nanti "...siot jer..but i dont blame them..because that was exactly the same first perception of mine..
But it is is the same as other business management courses..only the name is make it more interesting i guess...
Enough about the name of the degree itself...i got into UNISEL with new vision and hope..
by taking strategic management ( semangat nau ) theory into practical senses..
vision : to not repeat the same mistakes and try to be the best that i can be..
i managed to get Dean List for every semester....
of course..there will be no way i can get this so called achievement without the help of :
Here i would like to name a few of them who all this while have been a great person and wonderful friend of mine...( a part of the purpose i made this entry is because, this week is my last week in UNISEL and it just a token of appreciation for me to them ) u guys so much...
For those name which are not in the list.( u know who u are )...i still love u guys so will take me a decade to list all the name..and if i have a time..i will do me...
thus..everything happens for a reason..
i failed a part of my life and succeed in other part
i lose a friends in the past..i met a new wonderful people in my future...
i live my life with nothing in the past and currently have everything that i need..
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